​MILLENNIAL's and THE   Z'  you must up the AUDACITY OF    HOPE   for the sanctity of our nation as Generations Alpha and Beta will be coming into the limelight. With me, it was the game of chess, that lite the way.  

         I became aware of chess in boot camp. My interest in the game heightened when I boarded the USS Forrestal as a flight deck crew member. I was a blue shirt, a plane pusher, one of the most dangerous jobs in the Navy without hazardous duty pay. Learning the game would become critical. Life can be compared to a game of chess, where valuable lessons we can learn from the strategies, tactics, and moves. These lessons include having a strategic plan., thinking before making moves, and learning to make decisions beyond the chessboard. This being the catalyst of my success as a leader in my 22 years of Naval service.

        The king is the most critical piece in Chess. The queen is the most powerful; the rook, the bishop, the knight, and the pawn have limited moves, with the pawn being the most sacrificial. Through the chambers of time, it became apparent that I was a pawn, living in victimhood.

            In general, humans are creatures of habit rather than logic and defensive by nature, even when we are wrong. We perpetually destroy the moral fiber of our being as we try viciously to trump each other, "no pun intended."  
            It has been scientifically proven that some human beings are not rational beings. In 1994, neurologist Antonio Damasio laid out in his book, “Descartes’ Error”: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, a somatic marker hypothesis. In it, he proposed that human beings are not rational but rather beings that rationalize over emotions. That is to say that first we feel, and then we think from what is rooted in our belief system and mental framework.  Seeds of weeds or flowers planted in childhood, fertilized by the experiences of life.
            The ultimate faith of America will depend on the unity of an interim new generation of thinkers void of offensive tactics. Millennials and the "Z" generations are known as incredibly sophisticated, technology-wise, immune to most traditional marketing and sales pitches; many, but not all, not only grew up with it, but they've also seen and been exposed to the smash-and-grab mentality of the rich over the poor, since early childhood. The rich because of greed, the poor because of survival of the fittest, and the diminishing middle class torn in between. Tactics of fear and hatred with a pound of alternative facts, a phrase coined in 2017 and now AI, Artificial intelligence 
            With DYN (Dynamic Data Exchange), social media is the CPU (Central Processing Unit) with the help of FPU (Field Processing Units) and LANs (Local Area Networks).  I love acronyms, the Military Phonic Alphabet, the linguistics that brings clarity in communications. Being on the same page and listening left no enclave for alternative truths.
             Time is running out; outside forces are radicalizing our youth as we procrastinate to self-destruct in the name of self-initiated "internal fear." A political philosopher named Edmund Burke once wrote, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing." No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning, as does the mindset of fear. 

             Millennials and Gen-Zs have a voting population expected to rise above 75 million, which can be a game-changer. The combined arrogance of a younger creative mindset, united, selflessly giving positive input with the power to vote, can germinate a new inside-the-beltway mentality. Millennials make up over 25% of the US population and have at least 21% of direct buying power, a massive influence on older generations. 46% of millennials have 200 plus friends on Facebook. These statistics alone would be a show of strength if unified in the mindset of eliminating divisive politics and racism. An old saying is, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink," especially if the mindset is donkey driven. At the age of 80, by physical standards, I am old, but through experience, my mental capacity is beyond reproach because I work at keeping an open mind. I can't make the mule drink, but I can lead by example. 

             In these trying times, we must propagate our senses with knowledge rather than hate, with wisdom rather than hearsay. Void the mind of vile thoughts while empowering it with words of jubilance, exuding Love in the caliber of which becomes the ammunition from the chambers of our SOULS. Millennials, it's your time. Gen "Z's" it's your future. Don't allow money and divisive politics to dictate your and your children's future. And to my older citizens, a reminder of Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address, he said: "The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."  I say: If you are motivated, compare and contrast the speech of March 4, 1861, with the insurrection of January 6, 2021. One was external, the other internal. Then, willfully read "The Soul of America" by Jon Meacham and ask your soul where you stand on the future of America.


          March 2017                           February  2018                      February  2018                           March 2019
October 2008
September 2018
    May  2019    Using the military as a pawn.....